With so many titles to carry, sometimes I can get lost and forget who -I- am. Often, when people ask me about my hobbies or interests, I get caught up in talking about my career or my family...I'm sure some of you can relate!

So what about me? Well, I am a book lover (I'm always down to add to my never-ending TBR) and a baby witch. I love anything astrological or nature related. I spend way too much time adding things to my cart online that I never buy. I'm a mom so I am basically obligated to like coffee and wine. I have a very blunt sense of humor and more often than not I find myself saying what's on my mind before I think about it. I track the moon phases better than I do my own cycle {whoops} and I am a feminist trying to raise the next generation of strong women. 


Hey, there!


Wife. Mother. Photographer.
Emo Kid. Hype Woman.

There are sooo many ways I can answer this question... When I sit down and think about why I chose this path I can't help but to think about my own experience with my self-image struggles throughout my life.

I never felt comfortable taking up space and I never felt comfortable in my body. After I had my baby, I really had to sit down and reflect on why I thought these things. 

I didn't want to curse my daughter to a life of that same negative self-talk. It started small with not speaking negative thoughts out loud (especially near Salem).

I started telling myself everyday I was worthy. I was strong.
My body has carried me through so many changes in life it was time to start honoring it. As my own self-confidence grew I made it my mission to help other women embrace their bodies and take back their power. 

I want you leave this experience not only with some badass photos, but with kinder eyes and a deeper understanding of who you are.

It is my mission is to show you that you are worthy of love from the person that you need to hear it from the most-yourself.


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